Frozeen Ian Nose update!

We have updated our Frozeen page with a bunch of comics by Ian Nose that are now available to read for free, anytime and anywhere in Basque, Spanish, English and some even in Catalan.
Frozeen is platform designed by AA&NN Ltd., optimized to read comics in any web browser from laptops to phones and tablets. There is no need to log in or download anything to start reading. Explore Frozeen to find out other works by Ian Nose, and support him though his Patreon site and/or buying his paperback and digital comics on Amazon, Apple Books and ComiXology.
Here the list of the recently published comics in Frozeen, and the languages in which they are available to this day:
●It Also Rains in Puerto Rico: EUS | ESP | ENG

●Non Legimus: EUS | ESP | ENG | CAT
●Antxintxiketan 1: EUS | ESP | ENG | CAT
●Antxintxiketan 2: EUS | ESP | ENG | CAT